Welcome To
Schools Swim Portal
Welcome To
Schools Swim Portal
- Welcome
- Bookings
- On the day
- Parents
Welcome to the PARC Swim Schools Program portal!
Here you will find everything you need to know about our Schools Program, how to book and all the information on what we require from you and what to do on the day.
At Peninsula Leisure we have two facilities available with 50 metre swimming pools for swim programs, events and carnivals, Peninsula Aquatic Recreation Centre (PARC) and PINES Forest Aquatic Centre. If you are looking to hire our facilities for a swimming carnival or special event, please click here to find out more information and contact the relevant team.
In our PARC Swim Schools Program we offer the following to choose from;
This is our most popular program and can cater for all age levels and abilities. The program fast tracks learning aligning with our PARC Swim competencies and the Victorian Curriculum. It will usually run Monday to Friday and sessions can be booked between 10.30am to 3pm.
This extended program can cater for all age levels and abilities and the longer time period provides additional learning opportunities for students. The program is usually run for 4 days over two weeks and aligns with our PARC Swim competencies and the Victorian Curriculum. Sessions can be booked between 10.30am to 3pm.
Peninsula Leisure offers an in-class room incursion learning experience that can be run prior to an intensive program or a one off program. Our in-class incursion can ensure your students smooth transition from theory to practical in water experience.
Our Kinder Swim Program is a weekly or fortnightly 30 minute lesson that Early Learning Centres and Kindergartens can access and runs during our morning PARC Swim Lessons
We also offer Water Safety Incursions that are designed for Early Learning Centres and Kindergartens. This 30 minute interactive presentation will cover safety around water for little ones at your location.
These programs cater to specific community groups and can be tailored from ages 6 months and up and be one off or regular lessons.
Our 2 hour water safety program consists of 4 x 30 minute rotations covering CPR (Danger, Response, Send for help, Airways, Breathing, CPR & Defibrillation), Life Jackets, Rescues and a clothed swim
Our 2 hour fun day program consists of 4 x 30 minute rotations including recreational play, water polo/volleyball, the large water slides & the playground
Our combination program can include a combination of the above activities.
Beach days can be booked as part of an intensive program or a one off program, organised by Peninsula Leisure. We provide qualified teachers with their Bronze Medallion to run our LSV Open Water Learning Experience (OWLE) partnered beach program.
What you need to know
- The schools’ program is available to be booked Monday to Friday from 10.30am to 3pm, upon special request we can also accommodate bookings outside of school hours.
- The student / swim teacher ratios vary, depending on the program running. They could be 1:8, 1:6 or 1:4.
- Intensive program lessons run for 45 minutes, and a Water Safety or Fun Day is approx. 2 hours.
- Students are grouped according to an ability form completed by their parents and are grouped with similar abilities.
- The learning competencies align with our Learn to Swim program and assessments are completed over the course of the program.
- A school may request that we offer a 1:1 lesson for students with special needs. Should they be required, please contact us to discuss.
- During our Intensive Programs the second last day is our clothes swim days. On Friday, the students get to experience a mini water safety program.
- All students who complete our program receive a certificate, which is sent to their school upon completion of their lessons.
Our booking process
Step 2: Complete the below request form and read through our full terms and conditions.
Step 3: Confirmation of booking will be provided in writing by our PARC Swim Schools Coordinator. Deposit is due within 30 days to finalise booking.
Step 4: Send out information and ability form links to all parents of children attending. These need to be completed at least two weeks prior to the program start date.
Step 5: Make sure you are familiar with ALL the ‘On the Day’ information and our Watch Around Water policy before you arrive.
Schools Booking Enquiry Form
A form for the initial enquiry for booking a schools program
Signed booking forms indicate an acceptance by the school/organisation of the costs, charges, terms and conditions associated with the booking. Please ensure all areas are completed to minimise disappointment if areas/equipment are not available on the day.
Schools/organisations must report accurate attendance numbers to the Deck Supervisor on the day. Any adjustments to the attendance numbers on the booking form should be communicated to the Schools Coordinator at least 30 days prior to the start of the program. Attendance’s will be taken daily. The maximum number of students will be required to be confirmed by the school 30 days prior to the program start. The school will be charged for this number of students.
A deposit of 10% is required within 30 days of invoice to secure your booking. If the deposit is not received by this time, your requested date will be released. Should you require a purchase order number from your school to be attached to the invoice please provide on the below form.
Bookings will be confirmed via email by the PARC Swim Coordinator Schools. Deposit payment must be received within 30 days for the booking to be confirmed.
Deposit payment is non-refundable.
The School is financially responsible for any loss, theft or personal injury whilst at PARC.
All persons must obey all centre safety signage, including but not limited to, the swimming pool and slide rules which are located at the entrance of each of the facilities and all warnings, rules and safety instructions. Schools do not enter through the main entrance. They must enter through the front corner door on the East side of the building (unless beginning at 10.30am and then entry will be via the back door on the East side of the building). On the first day of the program a PARC Swim schools staff member will meet the bus on arrival.
Spectators and their children with students at the school are allowed free access to watch swim lessons/programs.
Students are to store their bags on pool deck, not in changerooms. No valuables should be left on pool deck or in changerooms. PARC takes no responsibility for loss or damage of any equipment/valuables brought to the centre.
PARC has a café for use by teachers/ staff/ students at your discretion under the condition that appropriate student supervision is met.
It is the responsibility of the booking school to ensure any area of the facility which is used during the program is left in a clean and acceptable standard. If not, a cleaning fee may be charged.
Diving is only permitted from deep end of the pool as part of a supervised lesson.
Before, during or after the program, there is no “free swimming or free play” allowed. If a school is wanting to use the other facilities such as the Aquatic Playground or slides, this can be arranged with the Schools Leader at an extra cost.
PARC will provide Lifeguards as per the Guidelines for Safe Pool Operation. Additional supervision is to be provided by the school as per Department of Education Guidelines. The school assumes full responsibility during the period of the program for the supervision and control of all its students, staff and visitors. PARC reminds teachers of the Department of Education’s requirements for teachers to maintain direct poolside presence during program operation.
If there are any children with special needs attending the program, this must be communicated to the PARC Swim Schools Leader well in advance of the program start. If a student requires a 1:1 class due to a medical condition this MUST be communicated with the PARC Swim Coordinator – Schools at least 30 days before lessons commence.
Lifeguards are available for basic First Aid needs and medical intervention where necessary.
Accurate rolls and attendance numbers must be recorded and available in case of emergency and evacuation. In the event of an emergency, the school must follow directions given by the PARC team and follow the Emergency Evacuation Plan.
Bus Parking is on Cranbourne Road. There is a safe place to cross over to the front door of PARC.
Photos taken is Centre must not include other patrons or any staff members. Please check with the Schools Deck Staff if you have any questions regarding the Photography Policy of Peninsula Leisure.
Watch Around Water Policy
- Students MUST be accompanied to and from change rooms with an adult in a High Vis Vest
- Students MUST be accompanied to and from the toilet with an adult in a High Vis Vest
- Students are not to participate in any free play before or after the booked program.
- Students are not to be left unattended on pool deck or in the change rooms at anytime. This will require a Male and Female teacher to be available during every time slot.
- Students MUST be actively supervised whilst participating in the school program.
- It is NOT acceptable for School teachers to be on their phone/ laptop whilst students are swimming.
- Teachers MUST be actively supervising the students in their care. E.g. If a teacher goes to the café to get coffee, another school teacher MUST be on pool deck supervising and available if needed.
- It is NOT acceptable for teachers to sit in the PARC café during a program.
If programs are operating in numerous pools and/or areas of the centre, there must be a supervising school teacher at each area.
Process on the day
Step 1: On the first day of the program a PARC Swim staff member will meet the school at the Schools Entrance (side front door) – see map below.
Step 2: Teachers will be given a FOB (electronic key) to let themselves into PARC through the Schools Entrance (side front door) and to also open the school group change rooms (see map below). These will need to be signed out on day one and signed in on the last day.
Step 3: On arrival, students should be seated on the concrete steps (grandstand) adjacent to the 25m pool. Students can use the school group change rooms (see map below) but bring their bags back out on poolside. Students should arrive with their bathers on and have been to the bathroom ready for their lesson.
- Teachers must wear a fluoro (high vis) vest (provided by yourself/PARC) on pool deck to highlight to PARC staff who is responsible for the safety and wellbeing of the students.
- If doing an intensive program caps will be provided on day one, to be labelled by teachers and worn on day two. Caps are not compulsory for students with sensory issues/allergies.
- Teachers must accompany students to and from the toilets always maintaining supervision.
- Teachers are responsible for closing the change room doors to ensure no member of the public enters without permission. Doors are not to be left open.
- One teacher must be responsible for each changeroom (male and female). Although locked from the outside, back doors can be pushed open from the inside and teachers should be aware the changerooms back onto the warm water pool and students should be advised not to open this door unless in an emergency.
- Please remind students to bring clothing on the designated day of an intensive program to practice water safety skills. Students who forget or prefer not to wear clothes in the water can still participate in the activities.
Rules for students on the day
1. Always walk (not run) around the pool.
2. Listen to your swim teacher and keep your head above the water when they are giving instructions.
3. Safety first! Wait until given permission by your swim teacher before entering the water – do not push anyone in your class. This may cause someone to fall from a platform into deep water where they are not confident.
4. Ask your Swim Teacher if you need to use the bathroom. You will need to also tell your School Teacher so an adult can go with you.
5. Use the School Group Change rooms only (unless instructed by a School Teacher). Be sensible whilst using the changerooms and get dressed quickly and quietly. If the change room doors close, please only press the green exit button to get back out (not the emergency exit pad). Only use the same door that you used to come into the changeroom.
6. Be respectful to everyone including your Swim Teacher, the Deck Supervisor, Lifeguards, School Teachers as well as your peers (classmates). Anyone who is being unsafe or not listening will be asked to exit the water and speak to their School Teacher.
Ability Forms
We require all parents of students to complete our ability form online at least two weeks prior to the booking. This allows us to group children by similar ability and ensure we have the correct teachers available.
Any child who has not had an ability form completed will be placed in the lowest ability group on the first session and possibly moved to their correct level for the following day if necessary.
Communication with parents / guardians
Below is a template letter you can use to send on to all parents to give them the information they require for the swimming program.
Thank you for participating in our Swimming and Water Safety Program here at PARC!
Swimming and water safety are mandated in the Victorian Curriculum and our PARC Swim Schools program has been closely mapped to this, offering each student the opportunity to fulfill the requirements at every stage.
Facilities we offer at PARC include a 50m pool (divided into 2 x 25m spaces) with depths of 1.35-2.1m and a Learn to Swim Pool with depth of 0.6 -1m. This means we can cater for the needs of the most basic beginners right up to the established swimmer.
All our swimming teachers are qualified and attend regular professional development and training opportunities.
If your child is participating in an intensive program over one or two weeks, they will be required to bring along clothes to wear in the water on a designated day. Lightweight clothing such as pyjamas (long sleeves and pants) are best. This is to give the children an idea of what it would feel like if they were to find themselves in the water by accident fully clothed and to learn survival skills.
At the conclusion of the program the school is provided with certificates, highlighting the PARC Swim level your child is working towards and how it correlates to the Victorian Curriculum levels.
We trust your child will enjoy their experience and thank you for giving them the opportunity to swim at PARC!
Useful resources for parents, teachers and schools
We think it’s important to educate on water safety all year round. Each term we share a newsletter with our PARC Swim Schools Users, along with helpful videos. Check back here for the all the latest!
- TERM 1 2024 Newsletter LINK>>
- TERM 4 2023 Newsletter LINK>>
- TERM 4 2023 Resource – Safety Signage at the beach
- TERM 4 2023 Resource – Safety Signage at PARC
- TERM 3 2023 Newsletter LINK>>
- Term 3 2023 Teacher Activity idea, watch the video below>>
Welcome to the PARC Swim Schools Program portal!
Here you will find everything you need to know about our Schools Program, how to book and all the information on what we require from you and what to do on the day.
At Peninsula Leisure we have two facilities available with 50 metre swimming pools for swim programs, events and carnivals, Peninsula Aquatic Recreation Centre (PARC) and PINES Forest Aquatic Centre. If you are looking to hire our facilities for a swimming carnival or special event, please click here to find out more information and contact the relevant team.
In our PARC Swim Schools Program we offer the following to choose from;
This is our most popular program and can cater for all age levels and abilities. The program fast tracks learning aligning with our PARC Swim competencies and the Victorian Curriculum. It will usually run Monday to Friday and sessions can be booked between 10.30am to 3pm.
This extended program can cater for all age levels and abilities and the longer time period provides additional learning opportunities for students. The program is usually run for 4 days over two weeks and aligns with our PARC Swim competencies and the Victorian Curriculum. Sessions can be booked between 10.30am to 3pm.
Peninsula Leisure offers an in-class room incursion learning experience that can be run prior to an intensive program or a one off program. Our in-class incursion can ensure your students smooth transition from theory to practical in water experience.
Our Kinder Swim Program is a weekly or fortnightly 30 minute lesson that Early Learning Centres and Kindergartens can access and runs during our morning PARC Swim Lessons
We also offer Water Safety Incursions that are designed for Early Learning Centres and Kindergartens. This 30 minute interactive presentation will cover safety around water for little ones at your location.
These programs cater to specific community groups and can be tailored from ages 6 months and up and be one off or regular lessons.
Our 2 hour water safety program consists of 4 x 30 minute rotations covering CPR (Danger, Response, Send for help, Airways, Breathing, CPR & Defibrillation), Life Jackets, Rescues and a clothed swim
Our 2 hour fun day program consists of 4 x 30 minute rotations including recreational play, water polo/volleyball, the large water slides & the playground
Our combination program can include a combination of the above activities.
Beach days can be booked as part of an intensive program or a one off program, organised by Peninsula Leisure. We provide qualified teachers with their Bronze Medallion to run our LSV Open Water Learning Experience (OWLE) partnered beach program.
What you need to know
- The schools’ program is available to be booked Monday to Friday from 10.30am to 3pm, upon special request we can also accommodate bookings outside of school hours.
- The student / swim teacher ratios vary, depending on the program running. They could be 1:8, 1:6 or 1:4.
- Intensive program lessons run for 45 minutes, and a Water Safety or Fun Day is approx. 2 hours.
- Students are grouped according to an ability form completed by their parents and are grouped with similar abilities.
- The learning competencies align with our Learn to Swim program and assessments are completed over the course of the program.
- A school may request that we offer a 1:1 lesson for students with special needs. Should they be required, please contact us to discuss.
- During our Intensive Programs the second last day is our clothes swim days. On Friday, the students get to experience a mini water safety program.
- All students who complete our program receive a certificate, which is sent to their school upon completion of their lessons.
Our booking process
Step 2: Complete the below request form and read through our full terms and conditions.
Step 3: Confirmation of booking will be provided in writing by our PARC Swim Schools Coordinator. Deposit is due within 30 days to finalise booking.
Step 4: Send out information and ability form links to all parents of children attending. These need to be completed at least two weeks prior to the program start date.
Step 5: Make sure you are familiar with ALL the ‘On the Day’ information and our Watch Around Water policy before you arrive.
Schools Booking Enquiry Form
A form for the initial enquiry for booking a schools program
Signed booking forms indicate an acceptance by the school/organisation of the costs, charges, terms and conditions associated with the booking. Please ensure all areas are completed to minimise disappointment if areas/equipment are not available on the day.
Schools/organisations must report accurate attendance numbers to the Deck Supervisor on the day. Any adjustments to the attendance numbers on the booking form should be communicated to the Schools Coordinator at least 30 days prior to the start of the program. Attendance’s will be taken daily. The maximum number of students will be required to be confirmed by the school 30 days prior to the program start. The school will be charged for this number of students.
A deposit of 10% is required within 30 days of invoice to secure your booking. If the deposit is not received by this time, your requested date will be released. Should you require a purchase order number from your school to be attached to the invoice please provide on the below form.
Bookings will be confirmed via email by the PARC Swim Coordinator Schools. Deposit payment must be received within 30 days for the booking to be confirmed.
Deposit payment is non-refundable.
The School is financially responsible for any loss, theft or personal injury whilst at PARC.
All persons must obey all centre safety signage, including but not limited to, the swimming pool and slide rules which are located at the entrance of each of the facilities and all warnings, rules and safety instructions. Schools do not enter through the main entrance. They must enter through the front corner door on the East side of the building (unless beginning at 10.30am and then entry will be via the back door on the East side of the building). On the first day of the program a PARC Swim schools staff member will meet the bus on arrival.
Spectators and their children with students at the school are allowed free access to watch swim lessons/programs.
Students are to store their bags on pool deck, not in changerooms. No valuables should be left on pool deck or in changerooms. PARC takes no responsibility for loss or damage of any equipment/valuables brought to the centre.
PARC has a café for use by teachers/ staff/ students at your discretion under the condition that appropriate student supervision is met.
It is the responsibility of the booking school to ensure any area of the facility which is used during the program is left in a clean and acceptable standard. If not, a cleaning fee may be charged.
Diving is only permitted from deep end of the pool as part of a supervised lesson.
Before, during or after the program, there is no “free swimming or free play” allowed. If a school is wanting to use the other facilities such as the Aquatic Playground or slides, this can be arranged with the Schools Leader at an extra cost.
PARC will provide Lifeguards as per the Guidelines for Safe Pool Operation. Additional supervision is to be provided by the school as per Department of Education Guidelines. The school assumes full responsibility during the period of the program for the supervision and control of all its students, staff and visitors. PARC reminds teachers of the Department of Education’s requirements for teachers to maintain direct poolside presence during program operation.
If there are any children with special needs attending the program, this must be communicated to the PARC Swim Schools Leader well in advance of the program start. If a student requires a 1:1 class due to a medical condition this MUST be communicated with the PARC Swim Coordinator – Schools at least 30 days before lessons commence.
Lifeguards are available for basic First Aid needs and medical intervention where necessary.
Accurate rolls and attendance numbers must be recorded and available in case of emergency and evacuation. In the event of an emergency, the school must follow directions given by the PARC team and follow the Emergency Evacuation Plan.
Bus Parking is on Cranbourne Road. There is a safe place to cross over to the front door of PARC.
Photos taken is Centre must not include other patrons or any staff members. Please check with the Schools Deck Staff if you have any questions regarding the Photography Policy of Peninsula Leisure.
Watch Around Water Policy
- Students MUST be accompanied to and from change rooms with an adult in a High Vis Vest
- Students MUST be accompanied to and from the toilet with an adult in a High Vis Vest
- Students are not to participate in any free play before or after the booked program.
- Students are not to be left unattended on pool deck or in the change rooms at anytime. This will require a Male and Female teacher to be available during every time slot.
- Students MUST be actively supervised whilst participating in the school program.
- It is NOT acceptable for School teachers to be on their phone/ laptop whilst students are swimming.
- Teachers MUST be actively supervising the students in their care. E.g. If a teacher goes to the café to get coffee, another school teacher MUST be on pool deck supervising and available if needed.
- It is NOT acceptable for teachers to sit in the PARC café during a program.
If programs are operating in numerous pools and/or areas of the centre, there must be a supervising school teacher at each area.
Process on the day
Step 1: On the first day of the program a PARC Swim staff member will meet the school at the Schools Entrance (side front door) – see map below.
Step 2: Teachers will be given a FOB (electronic key) to let themselves into PARC through the Schools Entrance (side front door) and to also open the school group change rooms (see map below). These will need to be signed out on day one and signed in on the last day.
Step 3: On arrival, students should be seated on the concrete steps (grandstand) adjacent to the 25m pool. Students can use the school group change rooms (see map below) but bring their bags back out on poolside. Students should arrive with their bathers on and have been to the bathroom ready for their lesson.
- Teachers must wear a fluoro (high vis) vest (provided by yourself/PARC) on pool deck to highlight to PARC staff who is responsible for the safety and wellbeing of the students.
- If doing an intensive program caps will be provided on day one, to be labelled by teachers and worn on day two. Caps are not compulsory for students with sensory issues/allergies.
- Teachers must accompany students to and from the toilets always maintaining supervision.
- Teachers are responsible for closing the change room doors to ensure no member of the public enters without permission. Doors are not to be left open.
- One teacher must be responsible for each changeroom (male and female). Although locked from the outside, back doors can be pushed open from the inside and teachers should be aware the changerooms back onto the warm water pool and students should be advised not to open this door unless in an emergency.
- Please remind students to bring clothing on the designated day of an intensive program to practice water safety skills. Students who forget or prefer not to wear clothes in the water can still participate in the activities.
Rules for students on the day
1. Always walk (not run) around the pool.
2. Listen to your swim teacher and keep your head above the water when they are giving instructions.
3. Safety first! Wait until given permission by your swim teacher before entering the water – do not push anyone in your class. This may cause someone to fall from a platform into deep water where they are not confident.
4. Ask your Swim Teacher if you need to use the bathroom. You will need to also tell your School Teacher so an adult can go with you.
5. Use the School Group Change rooms only (unless instructed by a School Teacher). Be sensible whilst using the changerooms and get dressed quickly and quietly. If the change room doors close, please only press the green exit button to get back out (not the emergency exit pad). Only use the same door that you used to come into the changeroom.
6. Be respectful to everyone including your Swim Teacher, the Deck Supervisor, Lifeguards, School Teachers as well as your peers (classmates). Anyone who is being unsafe or not listening will be asked to exit the water and speak to their School Teacher.
Ability Forms
We require all parents of students to complete our ability form online at least two weeks prior to the booking. This allows us to group children by similar ability and ensure we have the correct teachers available.
Any child who has not had an ability form completed will be placed in the lowest ability group on the first session and possibly moved to their correct level for the following day if necessary.
Communication with parents / guardians
Below is a template letter you can use to send on to all parents to give them the information they require for the swimming program.
Thank you for participating in our Swimming and Water Safety Program here at PARC!
Swimming and water safety are mandated in the Victorian Curriculum and our PARC Swim Schools program has been closely mapped to this, offering each student the opportunity to fulfill the requirements at every stage.
Facilities we offer at PARC include a 50m pool (divided into 2 x 25m spaces) with depths of 1.35-2.1m and a Learn to Swim Pool with depth of 0.6 -1m. This means we can cater for the needs of the most basic beginners right up to the established swimmer.
All our swimming teachers are qualified and attend regular professional development and training opportunities.
If your child is participating in an intensive program over one or two weeks, they will be required to bring along clothes to wear in the water on a designated day. Lightweight clothing such as pyjamas (long sleeves and pants) are best. This is to give the children an idea of what it would feel like if they were to find themselves in the water by accident fully clothed and to learn survival skills.
At the conclusion of the program the school is provided with certificates, highlighting the PARC Swim level your child is working towards and how it correlates to the Victorian Curriculum levels.
We trust your child will enjoy their experience and thank you for giving them the opportunity to swim at PARC!
Useful resources for parents, teachers and schools
We think it’s important to educate on water safety all year round. Each term we share a newsletter with our PARC Swim Schools Users, along with helpful videos. Check back here for the all the latest!
- TERM 1 2024 Newsletter LINK>>
- TERM 4 2023 Newsletter LINK>>
- TERM 4 2023 Resource – Safety Signage at the beach
- TERM 4 2023 Resource – Safety Signage at PARC
- TERM 3 2023 Newsletter LINK>>
- Term 3 2023 Teacher Activity idea, watch the video below>>