
Maintain your Year of Health commitment throughout winter

We all know how much extra effort it can take to exercise when the weather cools down, research tells us that the majority of people do less activity during winter. And this isn’t just high intensity gym workouts, our incidental exercise opportunities also reduce, i.e. we walk less.  

But did you know we can really benefit from maintaining our exercise schedules during the cooler months? We burn more energy doing the same activity in the cold as it takes more effort to get our blood pumping around our bodies.  

Plus, keeping active throughout the year can help elevate your mood and support your complete wellness, including mental health. Making winter exercise even more advantageous! 

 At PARC, we want to support our community to keep on track for the Year of Health commitment and ensure routines and momentum are maintained this season. Here are some tips from us on how to make the most of winter wellness: 


1. Keep rugged up and a good mix of exercise locations  

The best routines include a mix of exercise, from high intensity through to incidental opportunities. Even though it’s cold, we still recommend doing some outdoor activity as fresh air is so good for you. Our PARC Fit Outdoor classes still run during rain, hail or shine and are so much fun for everyone involved. Click here to find out more.

Inside our PARC facility all rooms are temperature controlled meaning you can mix up your exercise and get a comfortable workout in the gym, group exercise rooms or the pool. We recommend staying in the facility during your cool down and make sure you rug up before stepping back outside – keep those winter chills at bay! 


2. If you’re feeling under the weather take some mindfulness time  

This year we are all feeling the impact of winter with so many cold and flu viruses around. If you are struck down consider doing some meditation or simple yoga stretches to keep your mind and body engaged.  

It’s important whilst you are ill to stay at home to get well and so that’s when PARC Your Way (our at home workout digital platform) can be useful to do some simple activity at home when you are feeling better but still don’t want to venture out.  It also has a range of fantastic meditation and stretching videos included!


3. Maintain good hydration 

During winter it is easy to swap water for a warm cuppa, however it is so important to keep up your hydration intake during the cold months. Water helps our muscles to regenerate during exercise and reduces risk of injury by helping to carry oxygen to your blood cells. It’s also beneficial for our immune systems by reducing the build-up of toxins which can have a negative impact on your health.  


4. Bulk up on nutrients with winter recipes 

Winter recipes can be jam packed with nutrients and by bulking up on hearty vegetable soups and casseroles you can really boost your immune system. It’s a tasty way to reduce the risks of catching viruses during the season. Have a look at the recipes on our blog for some inspiration for winter cooking.  


So, keep going on your Year of Health commitment and we’re here to help every step along the way. Join the Year of Health movement today!


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March Forward – Celebrate International Women’s Day at PARC 
We are excited to be hosting a Women’s Health seminar with two guest speakers, Mariela Rossi and Alison Tehan. 
Mariela Rossi is a registered psychologist (AHPRA), a member of AAPI, and a member of ANZICA (Australian New Zealand Infertility Counsellor’s Association). She is currently working as a senior Psychologist at Monash IVF. She also works as a psychologist at different venues such as the Jean Hailes Clinic, Bluff Road Psychology and at her own private practice in Highett. 

Alison is a nutritionist local to the Mornington Peninsula, dedicated to empowering women to energise their body, nourish their gut, balance their hormones and live their healthiest, most fulfilling life 

When: Wednesday 5 March, 7.30pm 
Location: Studio 1 (upstairs) 

The seminar will focus on the impact perimenopause and menopause has on women’s mental health and overall well-being. The seminar is free to attend for PARC members, simply register via the Customer Portal.

#PARCFrankston #UNIWD2025 #MarchForward #Womenshealth
Have you checked into you Group Exercise Class? ✅

Did you know that checking in on our new Kiosk is as easy as 1, 2, 3!

Step 1 - Scan your member band 

Step 2 - Press the "Attend" button on the class/es you
wish to attend

Step 3 - Press "Sign out"

1, 2, 3 and your ready to go 😊 If you have any questions about our Group Exercise check in process please speak to our friendly staff in centre.

#PARCFranktson #CheckInKiosk #PeninsulaLeisureApp #Easyas123 #Stepbystep
Make water safety a family friendly adventure 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Gather the family and head to PINES for the Can Swim Family program. Learn basic swimming survival techniques, practise water safety and participate in a variety of rescue scenarios for various inland and open water environments. The family will have fun while learning how to be safe in and around the water.

Where and When ⏱
Friday 21 March at PINES Frankston

Expressions of Interest closes on Sunday 16 March. 

To participate, simply complete an Expressions of Interest on our website via link in bio

#PARCFrankston #PINESFrankston #CanSwim #Watersafety #Familywatersafe
🚨Cafe Closure🚨

Please note that the Cafe will be closing early tomorrow at 5:00pm on Thursday 27 February. A friendly reminder that hot food will close 30 minutes prior. If you usually grab your coffee or snack at the Café during your visit, please make other arrangements.

We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

#PARCFrankston #Cafeclosure #Closingearly
Your intentions set your Pace in 2025 💪

What word best describes your health and fitness goals or intention for 2025? It can be whatever you want! Your word sets your Pace. 

Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Balance: Mental and emotional health through physical well-being. 
- Community: Finding friends who support and motive my health 
- Me! A happier, healthier me 

Your Pace at PARC is about your health and wellbeing on your terms, and we believe that your journey is as individual as you are. Create your Pace Phrase and kickstart your journey at PARC with a wide variety of options to match your health and fitness needs.

#parcfrankston #atyourpace #healthandwellbeing #healthgoal #wellbeinggoals #frankston

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