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PARC Swim Schools Program – Teacher Survey

PARC Swim Schools Program – Teacher Survey

How did we go?

Your feedback regarding our PARC Swim schools program is important to us. We appreciate your input to help us improve our facilities and our service.

Please rate the following regarding our STAFF from 1 to 5 (5 being the highest - 1 being the lowest)

Our Swim Teachers' class control(Required)
Our Swim Teachers' class rapport(Required)
Our Swim Teachers' overall class safety (handover, groups kept together, active participation)(Required)
Our Swim Teachers' overall presentation(Required)
Our Deck Supervisor's knowledge(Required)
Our Deck Supervisor's helpfulness(Required)
Our Deck Supervisor's friendlness(Required)
Our Deck Supervisor's overall presentation(Required)

Please rate the following regarding our PROGRAM from 1 to 5 (5 being the highest - 1 being the lowest)

Did your School Swimming Coordinator pass on our program information?(Required)
Class duration(Required)
Please rate (1-5) the suitability of the class duration for your students.(Required)
Number of students per class/Class sizes(Required)
The Online Ability Forms(Required)
Organisation of the Program (on day/s)(Required)

Please rate the following regarding our FACILITIES from 1 to 5 (5 being the highest - 1 being the lowest)

Our Pool cleanliness(Required)
Our Pool space(Required)
Our Pool temperature(Required)
Our Pool access (appropriate depths etc.)(Required)
Our Changerooms cleanliness(Required)
Our Changerooms access & privacy(Required)
Entry/ Exit & waiting area(Required)

Final Feeback for PARC Swim Schools Program